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Illinois The Grainger Engineering Fall 2024 Career Fair

Event Type
Professional Development
Grainger College of Engineering Career Services
State Farm Center
Sep 11, 2024   1:00 - 6:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
DRES calendar

Career fair description

Career Fair Checklist

We are excited that you're planning to attend the Grainger Engineering In-Person Career Fair! Companies are looking for students to fill internships, co-ops, and full-time positions at these fairs. One-third of our on-campus interviews happen days after these events, so this is something you don’t want to miss!

There is no pre-registration for the event; however, you must check in onsite at State Farm Center on both days to attend the career fair.

Employer Booths are Located on both concourses and the floor of State Farm Center!

Before the Career fair

Check out employers at the Engineering Career Fair; know why you want to work for the company.

* Know your strengths and prove them with your experiences; develop a strong resume

* Check out ECS Career Fair Tips ; ensure that your Handshake account is up to date.

On the day of the Career fair

* Make a good impression: make eye contact, have firm handshakes, be enthusiastic, and dress nicely

* Communication is critical: listen carefully; show confidence; body language speaks louder

* Offer a polished resume; save recruiters' contact info

After the Career Fair

* Ask the recruiter about the interview timeline and keep in touch

* Stay connected with Engineering Career Services. We can help you navigate through your entire career search process.

Smile. Breathe. Repeat.

You've Got this and We've Got Your Back!

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