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DREAM@UIUC meeting this Thursday, October 29th at 7 p.m.!

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Oct 29, 2020   7:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
DRES calendar

Interested in meeting other students with disabilities? Come hang out with us at our DREAM meeting on Thursday, October 29th at 7 p.m. Central Time on Zoom. We will be meeting at this time for the next two weeks before shifting to a new meeting time for the winter. DREAM stands for Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring, and DREAM@UIUC is the UIUC chapter of this national organization for students with disabilities run by students with disabilities.

If this time doesn't work with your schedule but you'd like to attend future meetings, please email us at dreamatuiuc@gmail.com! We are running a poll for the next two weeks to gauge interest in different meeting times. If you let us know you're interested, we'll send you the poll.

Meetings usually last one hour, and while we share resources and support, our bigger goal is to foster an inclusive, intersectional disability space where we can relax and be ourselves. So our meetings tend to be a mix of informal socializing, catching up, and more formal sharing of resources and collective decision-making and work towards longer term goals, such as the formation of a Disability Culture House on campus.

We also work with other disability organizations on campus, such as the Disability Task Force with the student government, and the Disability Caucus within GEO, and we are happy to connect you to those organizations if you are interested. Recently we have done a lot of organizing around improving accessibility at the campus COVID-19 testing centers, so if you are having access difficulties, we may be able to point you to the right person or incorporate your information into our current communications with the testing centers and the OAE office.

Please reach out to us at dreamatuiuc@gmail.com if you're interested or have ideas you want to contribute. Let us know if you need any accommodations to gain full access to the meetings. Currently we use Zoom for our weekly meetings and auto-generated captions are enabled for our meetings, but let us know if there are more accommodations we should include.

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