College of Dentistry - Internal Event Calendar

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Long COVID Summit 2024: Making the Invisible Visible

Event Type
Sep 12, 2024   8:30 am   3:00 p.m.

You are invited to virtually attend the 2024 Long COVID Summit, hosted by ASI Services, Bright Star Community Outreach, Illinois Unidos, and the UIC Office of Population Health Sciences on Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The summit will provide an update on the current research, strategies for raising public awareness and treating individuals with Long COVID, in addition to discussing the current federal programs and ideas for expansion. 

The goals of the summit are to:

  • Improve awareness by collecting, analyzing, reporting, and disseminating Long-COVID related public health data that drive change and track progress (Data)
  • Improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of Long COVID by improving the quality of care delivered (Healthcare)
  • Improve access to assistive services, including disability benefits (Policy)
  • Build Capacity for Community Based Organizations to address Long COVID (Community)

Spanish language translation will be available for this livestreamed summit. 

More information will be provided upon registration. 

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